
About Me

Hello! And welcome to my blog of all things mommy! I am Jessica, and this is my little space to share my adventures as I navigate through motherhood. I am a homeschooling mom, health and fitness coach, blogger, veteran, military spouse, and Christ-follower.

My husband, Adam, and I have been married for four wonderfully crazy years and have two littles, my two-year-old son, Micah, and one-year-old daughter, Skye. The road here has been a rocky one, though. When I met Adam, I was dedicated to a life-long career in the Army with no desire of a future family. After giving birth to Micah, and nearly missing his first year of life, I knew it was time for a change. I left the Army and everything I worked so hard to build for myself and put my trust in God. This was not easy. I was pregnant with my daughter, figuring out how to be a full-time mom and wife, trying to rediscover myself, blindly stumbling into the future, and eating a constant heaping pile of humble pie. But the result has been amazing.

I believe God has called me to motherhood to teach, develop, nurture and love my children. In order to be my best self for my family, I strive every day to nurture my relationship with God, my husband, our children and myself. I take great care to grow daily in a way that stretches my intellect, enriches my faith, strengthens my character and nourishes my body.

I am passionate about homeschooling my children and want to share how much fun we have with the world. But I also know how important health and fitness are to be my best self for my family. Though life can be busy, I have been able to fit in a completely doable fitness routine and provide a health-conscious atmosphere for my family- if I can do it, so can you! This is a space to share our homeschooling journey, health and fitness tips for us busy mommas, and just life- from life hacks to life experiences.

I am passionate about all things mommy and hope my experiences inspire you through your journey!